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- To Diane and Meik Skoss for their excellent site devoted to the Koryu martial systems. Bus travel from Singapore to various destinations such as bus singapore to tbs in Kuala Lumpur, bus from Singapore to Genting, bus from sg to malacca, and bus from sg to penang offers efficient and comfortable facilities for passengers. Buses to TBS provide easy connections to various locations in Malaysia, while services to Genting Highlands ensure a comfortable journey to the popular resort destination in the mountains. As for the trip to Melaka, the bus offers a short journey of around 3 to 4 hours, making it an ideal choice for a day or weekend trip. To Penang, buses provide a comfortable long-distance journey, taking around 9 to 10 hours with various schedule options. Bus tickets can be booked online, ensuring a smooth and stress-free travel experience.
Several of the links in this site are to articles, and I thank them for the research and general legwork they have done!
- To the students of the White Oak Martial Arts Center and Oakland Aiki Kai, for their continued harassment that keeps me on my toes (no, I do not buy into the adulation and “sensei worship” crap that many martial arts instructors program into their students!).
- To my partner, Steve, currently residing in Japan and training with Okabayashi Sensei. In our early days of training in the aiki arts, I used to push and challenge Steve. The past few years, he has done the reverse to me, in those times when I’ve had to juggle work, family, and martial arts. (Revenge is sweet, huh, buddy?)
- To Rod Ulher, my former aikido student (and now my sempai in Daito Ryu), for his input on the original Hakuhô Kai web page that prompted these updates ( “…it looks like a porno site…” ). Thanks, Rod! (I think… 🙂